8:00AM - 06:00PM

Mon - Fri


For Appointment

May my limbs, speech, breath, sight, hearing, strength and all my senses gain in vigour.

-Kena Upanishad 1-1.2


Learn About Us

Welcome to YOG (K)O(SH)A:

Yog(K)O(SH)A: is a soulful wish come true with beautiful intention and an ultimate life-purpose to achieve health in a holistic manner and invigorate our senses with the consistent practice of Yoga.

The name 'YOG(K)O(SH)A:' is a combination of Yoga and 5 sheaths knowns as Kosha (Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Anandmaya Kosha) of our whole being that are directly affected by 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) in our body. As I personally owe a lot to my parents in the way they groomed me to bloom as a human, I devote this personal mission of bringing health and happiness to everyone by honoring them and incorporating the initials of their names- (K) for Krishna, my doting father and my ever-vibrant mother (SH) Sheela. No name could have been better as a title for my life-purpose and intention of seeing everybody healthy and happy!

At 'YOG (K)O(SH)A:', there are 4 types of sessions available-

  • Group Classes
  • 1:1 Class
  • Private Single Sessions
  • Pay as you attend!
Learn More

Types of Yoga

We Offer

Hatha Yoga

Aligning body and breath. Foundational, gentle, and perfect for beginners. Balance, flexibility, and inner peace.


Dynamic, disciplined practice with a set series of postures and synchronized breath. Builds strength, flexibility, and focus.


Prenatal Yoga

Gentle, safe exercises for expectant mothers. Promotes flexibility, relaxation, and well-being during pregnancy.

Senior Yoga

Tailored practice for older adults, focusing on gentle movements, balance, and flexibility. Enhances overall well-being and vitality in later years.


Chair Yoga

This yoga performed while using a chair for support. Ideal for individuals with limited mobility or physical challenges, promoting flexibility and relaxation.

Kids Yoga

Fun and playful yoga practices designed for kids. Encourages flexibility, balance, and mindfulness through age-appropriate games, and storytelling.

Corporate Yoga

Elevate Employee Well-Being and Productivity with Our Tailored Yoga Programs for a Healthier and Happier Workplace.

Yoga for Mental and Physical Health

Body and Mind

Yogic texts believe that as bliss is the natural state of your mind, health is the natural state of your body. When your mind is in its natural state, you feel peaceful naturally. Similarly, when your body is in its natural state – when the various constituents of your body, like humours (dosha), tissues (dhatu), digestive fire (agni), and energy flow (vayu) are in equilibrium – you are disease-free; you are healthy.

Body and Spirituality

Yoga is not an exercise. Yoga is a lifestyle. Yoga is brushing the teeth in the morning, praying in front of God, eating food calmly, doing our duties with gratitude and love, sleeping on time with a grateful heart. Yoga doesn’t come with only asanas and pranayama. It is more than that and Yoga teachings are there to bring about everything from where spirituality starts.

Mind & Serenity

Any thought that disturbs your mental balance is a negative thought even if it is about God. Conversely, any thought that gives you peace is a positive thought. The more you fill your mind with positive thoughts, the better your state of mind will be. And that naturally results in better physical health.

Body Rejuvenation

Ever heard someone practicing Yoga say, “Somehow I feel happy and calm after my practice.” “My body feels open and free.” “I have become flexible, my back doesn’t hurt anymore.” “My knee pain is gone since I started Yoga!” “Things do not agitate me anymore!” Etc This is what a rejuvenated body and mind feel like. You are happy with everything going inside your body and mind, making a balance with everything outside of your body and mind.

Enjoy Your Life

Everything starts with stress. Stress starts diseases and discomforts. Diseases and discomforts start keeping the mind anxious. Once this vicious cycle breaks, we enjoy our life more. We feel free!

Our Classes

Yoga Class Schedule


Early Morning Session

Mon - Fri

7AM - 8AM


Morning session-1

Mon - Fri



1:1 Session


12:30-1:30 | 3-4 PM


Morning session-2

Mon - Fri



Morning session-3

Mon - Fri



Evening session

Mon - Fri

Coming Soon


1:1 Session


12:30-1:30 | 3-4 PM

Let's welcome 'wellbeing' with YOG (K)O(SH)A:!

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामया।

May all be happy, may all be healthy!

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